Re: (idm) Amon Tobin NYC - I've been cheated.

From ninphil
Sent Tue, Sep 29th 1998, 20:39

>    I look at a band like Laika as an example: they had a ten peice band
>when I saw them and it was one of the best live shows I'd ever heard. Amon
>Tobin could hire a real fucking band to reproduce his electronic
>compositions and my bet is that it would sound fucking amazing. If he's just
>going to spin records, then for god's sake charge five bucks and drop the
>hype.'s our least in regards to Amon Tobin who has, in my 
opinion a uniquely interesting and honest way of looking at presenting 
his music.
he argues that his music is music made from "found" music. he works with 
samples and constructs them as noted to orchestrate a "produced" track in 
studio. He is a producer. When asked by interviewers (a question whic 
arises often) why he does not do "live" preformances, his response is why 
should he artificially reproduce his music in a way that that it wasn't 
actually made in the first place to satisfy a rock/live performance 
ethic. He says that his music was produced to be played out on vinyl or 
to be listenned to at home. He feels that the music should be presented 
the way it was designed to be listenned to. He is not a live 
musician...and that's ok..his produced music rocks..and that's all we 
care about

>I'd honestly rather see crystal method with their stupid fucking laser show 
and wanking > 
>guitars than just watch a DJ spin records to a bunch of people nodding their 
-ok...if you feel that way, more power to ya...but I think that's exactly 
what Amon is trying to avoid...the artificial using a 
dat maching and hitting a coupla keyboard party down dude 
that's a performance!

> I feel like a sucker. I honestly want to support artists I like, but not
>if they're going to go on tour and just spin the same fucking records I can
>hear in about twenty other NYC bars on any night of the week for free. We
>fans of this music should really stop letting ourselves be suckered by these
>fake concerts/fake parties.
we feel bad that anyone would leave a ninja night feeling like a our defense the gig was advertised as a dj gig...most of our 
parties are cause 10 peice bands on tour cost a fortune..something we 
unfortunately just don't have. We have to fly in 4 guys from england, 
hotel, internal travel pay them...and ultimately the promoter puts the 
price tag on the event...we request that it don't go over $ NY can 
be an expensive town. Obviously I wasn't at the show last night, but in 
my experience Mixmaster Morris is one of the best djs I've ever seen and 
generally speaking he plays a wide variety of music that I maynot have 
heard before and mixes so slyly (sorry kids not scratching) that he 
blends tons of genres and takes you on a journey that is crazy good..its 
very possible he had an off night in NY and if that's the case, once 
again... very sorry
Last but certainly not far as I understand Jonah's set he is 
actually travelling with effects and dat and remix equiopment and is 
playing yet unrealesed stuff and remixing it to some extent.
Sorry dude, just had to repond cause ya seemed so mad...but it will be an 
eternal argument I guess...does dj-ing count as performance..I am sure 
the IDM archives has reams of heated discussion about this...The thing 
about dj tours for us is that it means we can afford to bring you an 
evening of diverse and challengeing music and hopefully bring the 
ninja-vibe party to a town near you...
and hey as for cute girls and drugs...ya gots ta sort that shit out for 
yourself. Or pay 30 bucks and go to a rave and see some dj's there
ninja phil

stealthy not wealthy