Re: (idm) send me your stuff!

From Greg Clow
Sent Thu, Oct 16th 1997, 20:38

I guess I should've expected it... :-)

Someone wrote re: my recent "send me stuff!" message...

> Seems more like a plea for help!

Partially, yes. But moreso, this is an attempt to make my show more
interesting. I'm getting tired of the same old stuff week after week, and
it sounds like a lot of IDM folk are doing some wicked shit that deserves
more exposure. 

While I won't deny that the expansion of my music collection is a nice
side effect, I really get a buzz out of playing otherwise unheard stuff
over the airwaves. It's especially cool when, as happened this week,
someone calls while I'm playing a cassette release to find out what it is
and where they can get it. Gives me a warm, squishy feeling down in my
ulcer-ridden stomach. (or maybe that's just the sausage & saurkraut I had
for lunch... urp...)
