(idm) Re: Softcore/Jet CHamber

From multsanta
Sent Wed, Nov 26th 1997, 17:46

Christopher Miller <xxxx@xxxxxxx.xxx> writes:

>     Anyway, yeah Softcore's pretty damn hip.  One of Uwe's 
>period releases... 
>quite hard to come by actually.  If you've got a 
>lead on one you oughta snatch it up.  I'm sure you could trade it if you

>didn't take to it - although I'm sure you will. 

hmm... is that so??
there's always one or two lying in the fax section at my nearbye store.
(which btw, is pretty huge, especially considering i've never once seen
anyone even glance at it... too bad i don't like most fax)
if anyone wants me to pick one up for them i'll swap it for something.

(i gots mine a while back, and i have to agree with chris... it's

>     My further suggestions for Uwe Schmidt albums (if you haven't 
>them already): 
>"Shellglove" by ATOM HEART
>"Orange"  by ATOM HEART, 

can someone tell me just how rare these two are?
i've been searching around for them a long while with no luck.

if anyone wants i'll pick up another copy of softcore and swap it for
orange or shellglove(unless this is  super-unfair... i have no idea... my
knowledge slips when it comes to uwe.  just waaay too much to handle)

ps: chris. i gots your money yesterday.  i'll try to get the cylob out
sometime this (long-whoopy!) weekend
