Re: (idm) Found Sounds

From Kurt Pruenner
Sent Wed, Sep 29th 1999, 20:29 wrote:
> Dom from World Records writes:
>  << I read once that Brian Eno recorded walking from his home to the shops
> and
>  back.  He played it back at home and tried to remember where he was on
>  listening back.  Thats the sort of stuff I would be interested in hearing. >>
> Well, I'd be happy to make some recordings of this nature for you.  Consider
> the following possibilites:
> - waking up in the morning: brushing teeth, urinating, etc.

Hmmm... they should make a compilation of such tracks; they could easily
include the first track from Mika Vainio's "Ydin"... sounds like ~9:30 of
"Electric Razor vs. Ma' Beard" :)))

(Has to be a hell of a facial jungle, tho - at this length... =P)

Kurt B. Pruenner  Haendelstrasse 17  4020 Linz/AUSTRIA  mailto:xxxxxxxx@xxx.xx

np: Mika Vainio - F.B. (Ydin)
(you guessed it, that's what made me think of this...)

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