(idm) Re: Headphones for listening to IDM???

From Greg Earle
Sent Thu, May 28th 1998, 15:30

siliconvortex wrote:
>>> I've heard Sony makes some good ones, but I don't know which model number
>>> to get.  Anyone info would be appreciated.
>> I've got Sennheiser.  They have unbelievable clarity, even at damaging
> I've had Sony (lasted 2 months) and Sennheiser (have lasted 4 years).
> Sennheiser every time.  Many people still have their 15 year old HD414's..
> They're built to last

When I first moved to California nearly 22 years ago, my first major purchase
as soon as I got here was a pair of Sennheiser HD424's.  $75 back then I
think; hella expensive for a new (and broke) college Freshman.

I just used them again last night.

(I listen to music at work on them before the supervisors have left and I can
 crank the Mac speakers  (-:  Speaking of which, MacAmp 1.0beta1 is out ... )

In all that time, I've replaced the ear pads *once*.  The 2nd pair could use
another swap-out now, to be honest, but other than that ... nothing else.

Nothin' but Sennheisers baby ...

(Plus, they don't turn your ears into cauliflower after 45 minutes)

        - Greg