(idm) LTJ Bukem: Justice League (SF) 11-Oct-99

From Bob Weisend
Sent Wed, Oct 13th 1999, 21:36

I thought I'd share my experience from this show:

LTJ Bukem, Blame, Method 1 / Chaos
Monday, October 11, 1999
Justice League, San Francisco

This was the best 20 bucks I've spent in a while.  Method 1 and Chaos
kicked off the party with a smooth d'n'b set.  Many of the tracks played
were some of my favs from the Progression Session CD series.  Blame
(Progression Sessions vol.2) followed up with a wicked set, with MC Conrad
providing vocal meanderings in the background.  LTJ Bukem finished it off
with more of the same wickedness.  LTJ was complaining about the overhead
lights shining in his face, and eventually Conrad had to stop talking and
go tell the visuals to knock it off.  

The DJs didn't show off much of their turntable trickery, but they didn't
have to since the tracks were dope enough already!  The mixing was
seamless and the track selection was smart.  Conrad did a lot of talking
but it didn't intrude.  Also, I don't know if it was typical of a
crowd/gathering at the Justice League, but the crowd was great.  They
really got into the Blame set and were generally supportive of all the
artists that performed that night.

One negative: I was eager to buy some Good Looking t-shirts or compact
discs, but none were for sale.  Someone was pawning stuff with "Drumz" on
it, but I had no idea what that was.

If you have the chance to attend a Progression Session, I highly

- Bob Weisend
- xxxxxxxx@xxxxxx.xxx.xxxxxxx.xxx