(idm) Robert Anton Wilson

From Noah
Sent Thu, Apr 29th 1999, 16:41

>>       When a writer like Wilson is going to show up, people should
>>       make every effort to check the event out.

> I disagree - I saw him speak a couple of years ago, and his entire
> speech was taken practically verbatim from Cosmic Trigger Vol. 3.
> The speech, therefore, was a waste of my time and money. YMMV,
> especially if you haven't read much of his stuff.

        I disagree.  I've read at least a dozen or so of his books,
        both fiction and non-fiction/philosophy/rantings and think
        that even if you're familiar with his positions on various
        topics and have read his books, going to see him is more then
        worthwhile.  Certainly one should expect him to cover some
        of the same topics he does in his writing.  Further, several
        friends of mine were able to converse with him... can't do that
        with a book.  Also, i enjoyed watching his reactions to
        some of the people and their questions, although questions
        with any substance to them were few, but this is certainly more
        the fault of the audience.  A person's body language and 
        mannerisms can often tell you more then spoken (or written) words.
        In any case, it was the highlight of the month, and it was a great
        Of course, the standard speech Wilson gives to raver crowds could
        hardly beat the close, personal atmosphere that permeated the room
        when Wilson spoke at Robert Shea's funeral services....

        onnow:  O Yuki Conjugate "Spoke"
     .         .      .    .   .  . ..... .  .   .    .      .         .