Re: (idm) muslimgauze.

From Rodney Perkins
Sent Tue, Feb 10th 1998, 20:18

My particular interpretation of Jones' statements leads me to believe that
he harbors a deal of animosity towards the Israelis, who (by and large) are
Jewish people. I believe that being anti-Zionist is not equal to being
anti-Semitic* but that is my view.  I'm sure you will find others who
believe the opposite.

I like Muslimgauze. I think the extremist stance is just part of the game.
I can numerous interesting groups who have flirted with the "wrong" side of
a political issue. I guess its a matter of how much you are willing to
focus on the politics or the music.

*Regardless of any dictionary defintion of "anti-Semite," the term is
broadly applied to refer to anyone holding bias or prejudice against anyone

>(1) In the (admittedly very few) interviews I've read with Bryn Jones of
>Muslimgauze, he has never referred to the Jewish people as a whole, only
>to the Israelis. There's a difference.
>(2) Arabs and Jews are both Semites, so "anti-Semitic" is not an
>appropriate term to use in reference to Jones and his politics.
>Simply, then, Jones is not anti-Semitic, and he is not anti-Jew. He's
>pro-Palestine and anti-Israel.
>Of course, I'm not suggesting that it's OK for him to wish for the
>destruction of the Israeli state and the people who call it home, but I
>just thought it should be clarified.

>Two nitpicks:
>(1) In the (admittedly very few) interviews I've read with Bryn Jones of
>Muslimgauze, he has never referred to the Jewish people as a whole, only
>to the Israelis. There's a difference.
>(2) Arabs and Jews are both Semites, so "anti-Semitic" is not an
>appropriate term to use in reference to Jones and his politics.
>Simply, then, Jones is not anti-Semitic, and he is not anti-Jew. He's
>pro-Palestine and anti-Israel.
>Of course, I'm not suggesting that it's OK for him to wish for the
>destruction of the Israeli state and the people who call it home, but I
>just thought it should be clarified.

"Florentine Pogen"

Rodney Perkins (
Texas Center for Superconductivity
at the University of Houston (TCSUH)