(idm) obscene twiddling of the knobbies

From cg
Sent Fri, Oct 1st 1999, 19:13

> obscenity aside, a comment like that is usually the best way for an
> artist to turn me off from their music.  'we just twiddled the knobs'. 

i reckon it's better than them going on about false meanings and efforts
present in their music (right, many do have real meanings too, i know).
personally i give more credit if they don't bother explaining than if they
are full of shit (unless they are purposely being full o shit, which is
pretty funny). it's hard to explain what one is trying to do with their
music; introspection isnt always easy, or could come across as being full o
shit =). so are you turned off from autechre then? i've never heard them say
much more than knob twiddle. =)

peace >>christopher


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