Re: dot (was re: (idm) Audio lnks: Society, Krister...)

From Franz Enmark
Sent Mon, Sep 21st 1998, 23:54

At 14:41 1998-09-21 -0700, you wrote:
>so what's up with dot these days anyway? seems like they've fallen asleep
at the >wheel, even though they had some good money behind them. 

I just spoke to Anders @ Dot today and they've finally got their shit
sorted out. About having money behind them... well that's about the last
thing they've had.
NONS, who were the mothership for Dot, have gone extremely bad the last
year, Dot haven't recieved much money and all the scheduled releases in 98
(except for Endlessnessism) simply haven't been able to come out - due to
lack of money. NONS have now (officially) gone bankrupt, and it's taken a
couple of month for Dot to decide which offer to take from another label.
There's been talk about a couple, but now it's settled. I dunno if I can
tell you, I dunno if it's official, but the machine is now up and running
again. The first release will be in November and that will be the first
"Dancefloor Architecture" EP. Then in January we'll finally see the
Nonplace Urban Field album. After that, some Metamatics, some Quant etc.
So that's the whole bizniz. After a lot of trouble they're finally getting
their shit together. Soon there'll be Dot-wear as well. (no I'm not
joking). More news when I know more and know how much I can tell y'all.
Fallen asleep at the wheel is about the last thing they've done.

Hopefully helpful

- Robert Anton Wilson