Re: (idm) 'Come to Daddy'

From The Rare Guy
Sent Mon, Oct 20th 1997, 12:49

On Monday, 20-Oct-97, M.A.J. Huffman wrote [about Re: (idm) 'Come to Daddy']:
>I don't think we're referring to the same track.  I'm talking about the 3rd
>one on the first CD, with the "daddy's little boy, dirty little boy"

>The label is a little confusing and I may have got it wrong.

no, a lot of ppl have been telling me this. to clear all the confusion up.
the tracks on the 12" are there so that the dirty little boy song is the
4th song on the first (vinyl) disc. It appears that the tracks have been
switched around on the CD or something, or the names were written wrong if
they meant to switch the tracks. dunno

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