(idm) crank in SF

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Mon, Sep 28th 1998, 01:49

Anyone listmembers from the Bay Area attending this?

Going to drop off work early and try and catch the bus
into the city and thinking it might be odd to put a face
to a name and meet some of you...

Phthalo artist Crank/Low Res will be doing a live
performance in San Fran on September 29th. Those 
interested in going can get venue info from: 
Seth <xxxxxx@xxxxxx-xxxxxxx.xxx>

Crank/Low Res will also be guesting a radio show
in San Fran the night before the performance (9/28).

xxxx@xxxxx.xxx[icq: 12645306]
sfwd prod | noisesoundnoise
chris g. 1547 boston court #7, santa rosa, ca 95405