Re: (idm) Air Liquide

From multsanta
Sent Sun, Nov 2nd 1997, 01:46

On Sat, 01 Nov 1997 16:43:50 -0800 Brock Suter <>

>The New York connection is Kahn, a Turkish born German who've I've 
>referred to as 'walker's brother'.  He records as Kahn, 4E and others 
>can't remember right now.  Mainly distorted, downtempo stuff.
>There are a few other members of the 'Air Liquide' posse, including
>Frank Heiss

isn't Frank Heiss from NY, also?

>I've got (I think) just about all the releases this collective group
>have put out (around 70 records + 20 CD's?) and just about all of it 
>top notch.

ok, anyone got a discography?
I know someone must.
are there really 90 discs between all of them?
all i've got is red and the most recent Frank Heiss disc on Blue Planet.
I  better get crackin'...

ps: speaking of discographies and such, does anyone have the e-mail addy
of the guy who runs the amazing discographies site? or, if your reading
this, could you contact me?

np: motel (karaoke kalk)
m  u l   t     s  a   n  t  a  . | .  a  t n   a s    t  l u  m