(idm) an unexpected winner

From Irene McC
Sent Fri, Sep 10th 1999, 19:44


To add my belated mumblings to the Innerzone Orchestra stew: I 
am currently listening through it with mixed emotion so far, but as I 
hit upon track 8: People Make The World Go Round, wow!  things 
are suddenly looking rosy.

I also have a Ramsey Lewis version of this (totally completely 
different - unrecognisably so) which I also adore.  Anybody know 
who the original Bell & Creed are who wrote it?  There's Craig's 
quotation on the sleeve about how he heard it on the radio a couple 
of years ago and it totally blew his mind - wonder which version he 
fell in love with?

Unexpected find on a Carl Craig outing, for sure.  Is this a Concept 
Album :-()  Going through the liner notes one might get that idea.

Some glorious bits shimmering through : it will need more time to 
mature and be fully digested, but a lot of what's here sounds 
