(idm) Driving ambient

From Sean Cooper
Sent Tue, Aug 24th 1999, 00:01

> >>we were driving through wyoming.  we had just entered yellowstone national
> >>park and i had Aphex SAW II on at a comfortable listening level.  it
> >>struck me at that moment how amazing it was that the music seemed to have
> >>the ability to seemlessly absorb its surroundings.  the variegated hum of
> >>the engine, the wind around the car, the smell of sulphur, the fluffy
> >>big clouds... i felt the need to awaken my friend, asleep in the passenger
> >>seat, so she could experience the way the turning of the car on the road
> >>seemed to perfectly accompany the rhythm of the music, but i didn't
> >>because the slow sound of her breathing was such a perfect counterpoint to
> >>the tightening of the brakes as we rolled into the valley.
>I think all good music has the potential to be infused with a moment in time.
>For an example, the second track on the Reload LP - i first heard it while
>over the Bay Bridge in the middle of the night and every time i listen to it,
>just a little bit of that moment is still there.

funny this thread should have kicked up. i've just bought a car and was
telling a friend of mine how i can't wait to drive the thing through some
flat stretch of highway at dusk while listening to monolake's "gobi" ep.

i also once had a pretty amazing experience with global comm's "pentamerous
metamorphosis" 'round about midnight on a backcountry road in sonoma county...
