(idm) metalheadz

From s.f.w.d.
Sent Mon, Nov 3rd 1997, 04:07

sorry to those who couldn't care less... 

don't really know much about them, but see them mentioned quite a bit 
and thought i might mention that while i was updating the Slip Disc 
web site, there was *alot* of Metalheadz stuff listed as limited 
restock... no idea if this stuff is hard to pick up or not, but there 
was quite a bit... no idea whats left of it (appearently the list 
went out on Friday... I didn't get it then, but it got resent 
today... so 1/2 the stuff may be gone already) anyways, thought I 
might mention it case someone might be into it...


its listed at the end of the *restock* list... the new stock list 
isn't updated yet, just in case you happen to check it out... working 
on that now...


Black Dog, Whitezone-L, Music Search Engine, etc.

C.Gosselin, PO Box 8264, Santa Rosa, CA 95407