Re: (idm) grafikloo

From cardhore
Sent Mon, May 10th 1999, 02:57

>Well, we are quite far afield from the topic of graffiti. It might 
>also be asked "what gives anyone the right to foist their concept of art
>people in the public forum as such?". The burden of proof would actually
>with you, though, as the commonly accepted position IS that of the 
>propriety of personal ownership - notwithstanding the fact that you
slipped your 
>premise under the door in the form of a question - and you need to
unseat the
>established position before proceeding to establish a new one. 

hmm, where did you get the rule that you
"need to unseat the established position 
before proceeding to establish a new one?"

i'm sure you probably know more about logic
than me, but as far as i've found in my own
argumentative exploits it's a nasty catch-22...
you can't unseat the established position 
with nothing solid to replace it with.  ya know,
you're always hearing people say, "Well, 
maybe you're right, maybe _____ is wrong,
but there's no better way, is there?"  and
then _____ stays put.  and lots of times, 
without a new position, you'll never see that
the old one needs unseating.  for example,
Galileo couldn't have said, "Shit!  This Aristotelian
view of the heavens is totalyl wrong!" before
he looked in his telescope and saw the moons
of Jupiter and the craters on the moon and all 

>Even so, I'd go with this : Personal investment in said object(s) along
the lines 
>of commonly accepted currency and the responsibilities thereof in the 
>community at large. Behind this would lie the self-evident (imo, of
>problem of human nature....while a world where we dole all things out
>is a nice ideal, it doesn't seem to fit well into the experience of 
>reality. We all tend to be a tad selfish, greedy and get-over at times.
>the conventions we recognize as boundries and ownership, I'm not at all
>convinced that we wouldn't be even less civilized than we are. 

human nature?  experience of reality?
that's awful presumptive of you, thinking that
the "reality" of our history is the only possible
way.  actually, i'd think that looking back into our
history, it's pretty convincing that the way we've
been going about things -- capitalism and all
its components, specifically slash-and-burnism,
dominateeverythingism, getrichandstayrichism,
and lockupthefoodism -- is something to rebel
from, not reluctantly defend.


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