(idm) New IDM night in NYC-PBO kick off

From the Quaternions
Sent Sat, Aug 14th 1999, 04:50

I've met the promoter but I'm not working for him... Seems like a nice
enough guy. Calls the music IDM even though he's never heard of this damn
list.  Go figure...

He's from Miami and is friends with all the Schematic folks, so that's the
direction the night is going to lean. But he wants guest DJs, so bring
tapes and give them to Robert (DJ Aura).

101 Ave. A betw. 6th & 7th Sts.

Wednesdays, starting 8/25
On 8/25:
Push Button Objects (live & DJing)
DJs in rotation:  Polaris (Cochlear Project), Aura (Schematic, bootcamp,
Cochlear Project), Sky Tucker (Schematic), A.S.1.
$10 in advance at Other Music, $15 at the door
Normal fee is $5.

9/15 live performance by E.O.E. (anyone ever heard of him?)

Pyramid is a 3/4 dumpy bar with an OK sound system. 21+, subject to your
own ingenuity. Let it be said that they didn't bother me when I went to
hear some ghetto-tech with DJ Godfather & DJ Assault. But, er, I'm 21. Um.

If you have the intestinal fortitude, check out one of Assault's
Straight-Up Detroit Shit mix-CDs. Booty, drum 'n' bass, electro, as
obscene as all git out, with some wacked out mixing tricks, and new
tracks every 30 seconds or so. "Ass 'n' Titties" anyone? Now that's a
dope one, even if it does induce cramping.
