(idm) Kid606

From Magicnerd8
Sent Mon, Oct 18th 1999, 19:31

Gentleman and ladies,
    Does anyone have any contact info for Kid606?  xxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx is no 
longer a valid email address.  Has Michael gone to Berlin or something?  
Private responses please.

---The Objector has spoken.---

"The goal of any writer is to acknowledge the numeric, programmed basis of 
his mind, and then supercede it.  First one must explore the agonizing limits 
of patterns, their octahedral vultures and box-shaped emotions.  After 
patterns are mastered, we seep into the mist of the patternless, passing 
through the thickest and thinnest of atmospheres.  At each stage, patterns 
and non-patterns are grafted atop and within the gray matter of one's mind.  
At the nova point of summation the scar heals, erupts and bleeding anarchy 
blossoms like a larval butterfly."

-The Objector October 6, 1999