(idm) Autechre / Copyright infringement - remixes

From David Hodgson
Sent Wed, May 20th 1998, 03:37

remixers generally just get money up front to do the remix - no points and
no copyright - the copyright stays with the original author of the track -
that's why its a remix - in which case Warp probably don't have the rights
to any of the Autechre remixes, and neither do autechre

        Subject: RE: (idm) Re: Autechre / Copyright infringement (fwd)

        >You seem to have overlooked the fact that NONE of the songs on the
        >are available for purchase.  So what "revenue" are they being

        You're so full of shit your eyes are brown. If the lists you posted
        IDM are any indication, half the tracks you put up are in print and
easily available. I'm talking about stuff like the Ming remix, the Mike Ink
        the Scorn remix, the St Etienne remix, the Space Time Continuum
remix etc.