Re: (idm) How music is made

From Mark Stevens
Sent Sat, May 23rd 1998, 18:13

On Wed, 20 May 1998 13:04:28 +0800, you wrote:

>What about other musicians on the list, how do you make music?

At the moment I'm going through a phase of whacking Roland JV-1080
drum maps through distortion and overdrive, then routing them through
the Korg Prophecy's appregiator at a tempo slightly out of synch with
Cubase's bpm. I'll mess around the quantise and then physically move
everything about to create some exotic, crunchy rhythms. I may fire up
the Akai S950, pull a drum loop off a disk at random, resample it down
to a ridiculously low rate and then have it sitting under the JV

I'm also taking advantage of my Korg M1's corrupted data card, which
has scrambled loads of stored sounds, resulting in some very weird
noises which I wouldn't be able to get just by programming.

I'll then stick down some ambient pads with the JV-1080, routing
different effects through them to contrast with the crunchy drums,
then use the Prophecy for a main lead, or something. Result: a sort-of
jazzed up, melodic Autechre.

I hope to be putting up and MP3 of my next EP onto a website -- free
of charge, naturally.
