(idm) New Eat Static & Aphex Twin full-length on Liveconcerts.com

From Steven M. Roussos
Sent Thu, Oct 16th 1997, 21:04


The soon-to-be-released in the US Eat Static CD
"Science of the Gods", as well as Aphex Twin's
"Come to Daddy" are both available to hear,
full-length, in high or low bandwidth, mono
or Stereo Realaudio at Liveconcerts web site
"Listening Parties".  They are both
only going to be up 'till Tues Oct. 21, so check
'em out soon, kids!

Go to:

http://www.liveconcerts.com/lobby  ASAP!!!

P.S.  Also check out their Concerts, KCRW,
and Extras pages...LOTS of great stuff, and a
clean, fast, great sounding server!
