(idm) technology/popular music class

From H James Harkins
Sent Wed, Oct 29th 1997, 20:10

I put up the (projected) syllabus today:


Also, there's a link to a page about my music, with some terribly 
outdated blather about my work, some of which I don't even believe 
anymore but I haven't time to rewrite it now, and a few .au excerpts. 
They're a little old--my newer stuff is quite a bit more progressive-- 
but they're there for the taking.

It's been a real ego boost getting all this support for this class. Thanks!
        \      /        | "Who's Martha Stewart?"
H. James Harkins        | "She writes picture books about gracious living."
xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxxx.xxx |
           \/           |                                  - from _Jeffrey_

"If we keep our attention focused on the present, we can be sure of one 
thing, namely that whatever we are attending to in this moment will change..."
-- Jon Kabat-Zinn