Re: (idm) lesser/kid 606

From Arthur B. Purvis
Sent Wed, Sep 2nd 1998, 18:00

On Wed, 2 Sep 1998, Hrvatski wrote:

> of the 'correct' techniques necessarily involved. This is why all of the UK
> guys are now eating up US stuff (it's happening, believe me), we do it
> WRONG, and they like the spin we put on this 'now had' genre. He's putting
> Lesser in with the great legion of American 'cut-offs', i.e. Jandek,
> Bertoia, Partch, etc... people that made music based on their fundamental
> understanding of other existing musical forms, and continued to mold their
> own mutant strain into something along the lines of their 'voice' of
> 'individual take'. This is a good thing.

OK - but it seemed to me like a pretty derogatory statement.
Curious how Jandek is a cut-off - I mean, certainly he's not part of
normal society, but he's at the heart (sort of) of the kind of music he
makes (sometimes).

> But you have. Oh, the great IDM irony. I've seen the Haters four times now,
> and Hekla's been there for three of them. In a particular show, Larsen
> 'played' a contact-miked tire w/ an electric sander. While this sounds good
> in theory, and does still seem appealing after the first few minutes, it
> does not after 90, and the resulting vulcanized air spewing around the
> small room makes EVERYONE ill, including those who go to 'test' their
> appreciation of experimental musical forms and die-hard fans. I'm all for
> art pranks (as is Hekla), but only good ones.

I wouldn't go see the Haters.
I object more to the idea that someone could dismiss an entire label based
on the fact that they released a Haters record (nevermind that the Haters 
are only one band on the label), and I think it's just
indescribably idiotic to claim that nothing good can come of a mix of
certain influences.

> Hekla (and now I as well, to some extent) is railing against this whole
> idea of 'joke' records; not even pranks but full-on jokes, ones very easy
> to see through before even landing the CD in your player. 4 disc CDs? i got

Fine, I'll agree that the disc CDs are a waste of everyone's
time/money/effort. But that's no reason to dismiss VC entirely - maybe
reason for reproach, maybe even concern, but not for dismissal.

the humble abbott arthur purvis set his hand hereto