Re: (idm) Dead IDMers Society

From lwtcdi
Sent Tue, Oct 21st 1997, 12:17

Graham/lwtcdi wrote a lot of things that made good sense, but lost it 

>> For starters, I don't really believe all this crap about music having
>> soul. This may offend some people, 

>Don't worry, I'll take the bait.
>BTW, people who have seen "Dead Poets Society" will notice a striking 
>similarity in this discussion (hence the subject title).

>> but the only things that matter are
>> diversity and originality. This is what forms so called emotion or soul
>> in music (for me). When artists excel at these two, the music becomes
>> soulful. It's certainly not some kind of magical force or channel of
>> emotions into music or anything like that...

>See, that's precisely what you get from overanalyzing and 
>intellectualizing the music (the chin-stroking syndrome, anyone?). 
>The main purpose of music is to *express* emotion,

Hmmm. Still considering this one...

> to *provoke* emotion. 

Yeah, definately. I totally agree with this. Records do provoke emotion.
I think this is the perfect way to desribe it. But I don't know that the
emotion/soul put in to the music is neccessarily equal to that gotten
out of it (not that you said it was, just pondering the idea)

>Emotion is not something that can be rationalized in
>terms of diversity and originality. Oh yeah, this track has 79% 
>diversity and 91% originality, so now I can calculate it's 
>emotion. Exaggarated as this may sound, this *is* what you're saying 

Yeah. You're right, of course. Sorry, I was talking a load of bullshit
again. Music does stem from emotion, of course and I was stupid to
believe otherwise. If you check my other post on this subject, you may
be able to see what I was getting at. Sometimes I get a bit fed up of
this lofty assumption that the 'artist' is a highly emotional being who
channels their feelings into the music and gives it out to the masses
like Jesus feeding the five thousand with a few loaves of bread. But I
suppose over rationalising it is just as dumb too. 

>Emotion is about FEELING! Have you never been nearly moved to tears 
>by a track? 

Yeah...nearly. Strangely enough it was Wagon Christ's 'Reedin'. Don't
know why, but it truly is a beautiful piece of music. Does depend a lot
on how you're feeling when you hear it though, but music can tip
emotions over the edge... Other IDMers, I await your blubbing top tens
with baited breath...

>Have you never felt shivers down your spine when hearing 
>certain intros ? 

Again, a resounding yes! Been listening to Bjork's Homogenic LP a lot
since buying it after the mass discussions on this list. I think it's an
amazing album which lives up to the potential and hype that her music
has been given since the outside (I own the previous 2 LPs but don't
listen to them much). Never has a voice gone together so well with music
that I can remember. And the music is great - traditional instruments
such as string accordian etc vs electronic beats and noises, and
significantly (despite a lot of it being produced by Mark Bell) it rips
the tits off LFO's boring and emotionless Advance LP. If you've been
thinking off getting this, but were put off by some of the negative
postings...go buy it!

And to those of you who want to take me to task on this one, well go
ahead... I won't be able to flame you 'cos I'll be getting in touch with
my femenine side... 

>THAT'S emotion! THAT'S soul!

Yeah brother! Right on... I've seen the light!
