Re: (idm) formica blues

From Peter Hollo
Sent Wed, Aug 11th 1999, 04:25

> MONO : Formica Blues.
> Can anybody let me have a description / review / quick yes or no?

A quick yes ;) Even though it's that despised trip hop with vocals, for
me it just works very nicely. Muted almost-jungle rhythms and nice use
of samples (quite a bit of James Bond type music) and good pop tunes.
The vocals are completely inoffensive, reminds me most of Saint Etienne,
although probably not as good as that group's So Tough album.
Has a really lovely instrumental last track, with Satie-like piano
sounds and orchestral samples, and a changing odd time signature (don't
remember off-hand whether it's mostly 5/4 or 7/8...)

And what's more, it's the CD the sound guy was playing before the Mu-ziq
gig at the Embassy Rooms when I was in London ;) [Er... so it must be
good? Well...]

> Please and thank you.
You're welcome!
Peter Hollo
              FourPlay - Eclectic Electric String Quartet
                     Raven: experimental electronic
"Of course, dance music can be a music where you lie on your back and
your brain cells dance" -Michael Karoli of Can, quoted in Wire mag.