(idm) Re: Squarepusher live review AN ANGRY FLAME

From Adam J Weitzman
Sent Thu, May 13th 1999, 14:53

I just had to comment on some of the "wisdom" of Mr. Aaron Crtrdge003 because it
made me laugh so hard.

xxxxxxxxxx@xxx.xxx wrote (among other things):

> You must progress MUCH MUCH FURTHER BEYOND your current point of understanding
> music to even begin to comprehend what squarepusher is doing.
> [...]
> I am fusterated, because it means more people who do not understand my passion
> and reminds me of the ignorance of others..
> [...]
> [...]
> It brings tears to my eyes, I want you to understand me so bad..
> [...]
> I really don't mean to offend, but I feel I must reap vengence upon those who
> insult something so dear to me, especially when people who feel the same
> passion are pretty much 1 in 1,000,000...

And the kicker:

> Well this is the kind of shit critisism from tone deaf dogs who think they know
> the first thing about music I will be dealing with for the rest of my life. I
> better get used to it, I really could waste alot of energy being angry at
> morons.. I already knew that as far as real life, it's only common sense it
> applies to music as well. For the record, you know nothing about music.

Oh, you poor thing.  *sniff*  I can only imagine how it must feel to be the only
person worthy of an opinion in this sea of musical ignorance.

Dude, if you're going to *really* experience the love of the music you hold so
dear, you are going to have to accept that other people might not like it and are
willing to say so.  As someone who was on this list when it started, and knowing
the kind of people who are here, I can guarantee you that their love and passion
for the music described on this list is easily on par with yours, if not
greater.  If their opinion disagrees with yours, well, that's what the
"marketplace of ideas" is all about.

If you really believe that *you* know what's good and that no one else on this
list does, then you need to read the messages on this list more closely.  One of
the most important rules of communication is to "know your audience."

I cannot speak to the Squarepusher issue directly myself, as I own neither
_Rotted_ nor "Mindphone" yet.  But I can tell you, as someone who loves the music
as much as anyone here, with 100% certainty, that your arrogance with regards to
other people's opinions is laughable, small-minded, and ultimately tiresome.

Adam J Weitzman
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