(idm) Re: idm-digest V2 #459

From Simon Walley
Sent Tue, Jan 5th 1999, 10:00

>From: Michael Upton <xxxxxxxx@xxxx.xxx.xx.xx>
>Subject: Re: (idm) gescom sounds 12" query
>All three tracks are pretty solid. The track I
>like the most is "Go Sheep" (I hope I remembered
>the right one of that and "Go Sumo"), 

Semi-interesting fact: both Sumo and Sheep are skateboard shops over 
here in the UK. Sumo is in Sheffield, dunno where Sheep is.

>From: Marc 3 Poirier <xxxxxxxx@xxxxx.xxx.xxx.xxx>
>Subject: Re: (idm) why mask should be bootlegged
>I did this because I thought that the music on
>these was really great (well, maybe not side 2 of MASK 4) & that people
>interested in it should be able to hear it (& I thought that that was 
>people started record labels & put out music in the first place).  

Hmm? Reasons for running a label can be many but the reason that "people 
interested in it should be able to hear it" doesn't wash with the Mask 
series because if that is the main reason, then they wouldn't have been 
so limited. Remember the artists don't write music just for the fans - 
they write it for themselves (usually). If a label is into it and wants 
to release it, then thats a bonus. Labels aren't inherently benevolent 
to fans.

Doing bootlegs or whatever with the idea that you are opening this music 
up to others is very noble but it shows little/no respect for either the 
artists or the label itself which organised the original versions. 
Running a label isn't an easy thing to do if you do it properly - its 
something you should only do if you truly love the music and are 
prepared to invest a lot of time and money into it. To run off quick 
copies of this effort, this passion for this music is not, to me, noble 
at all.

IMO the best way to support the scene and make sure this music gets 
heard is to start your own label not rip off someone elses.

My 2 EUROs.

|| [CiM]
|| xxx_@xxxxxxx.xxx
|| -

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