(idm) Muslimgauze

From lwtcdi
Sent Thu, Feb 12th 1998, 12:45

I think this Muslimgauze things has got way out of hand, so I'm not
going to say that much, just that I think people are in general
over-reacting about the politics of him and his releases. Until
yesterday I knew nothing about him and I have not heard and do not own
any of his music. However, from reading the interviews/articles at the
web-site I found nothing utterly mortifying about his comments, and I
don't have a huge problem about what is essentially a personal opinion.
Politically incorrect, maybe, but there is a huge difference between
supporting direct action and actually partaking in it, and let's face
it, he's not influencing *anyone* with this stuff. As he himself says,
he "does not want to preach". His views are his own and although they
may manifest in the artwork of his releases and in interview, I think
there are plenty more worthy targets. His CDs sell minimal copies,
mostly to people who are intelligent enough to make their own decisions
about his politics. The amount of cash he will make from them is
negliable, and wont make him enough money to enforce his views in any
way shape or form. 

There's plenty of musicians who are also criminals, people with various
religious beliefs or just bigmouths who we may not agree with in person,
but it doesn't (and doesn't have to) stop us from liking their music. I
can't say I subscribe to Robert Merlak's view that we should totally
ignore the views or actions of the person behind the music because at
the end of the day you are supporting the artists and reinforcing their
views by buying their releases, but there is a line to be drawn, and I
think to draw it before Muslimgauze and his politics is pretty

Of course, it's a personal decision all the way. Just my humble opinion.

/TheW   i  http://www.homeusers.prestel.co.uk/lwtcdi/all/  
f   o L D  
o dlr WTC     "Let's decompose and enjoy assembling!"