Re: (idm) some STUFF about MUSIC

From Ben Coffer
Sent Mon, Nov 3rd 1997, 23:44

In message <>, Random Junk
<> writes
> - aphex twin  (he's barely musical anyway)

Define music.

>  computer models of other analog devices.  what's the point, you ask.
>  well, analog synths are expensive, go out of tune, need lots of care
>  & feeding, and are generally not as flexible and capable as their
>  more modern digital brethren.  ^^^^^^^^^^^

Hmmm, er, rubbish. Answer this: do you want to faff about in digital
menus on a little screen *or* have lots of analogue knobs to turn right
in front of you to tweak the sounds. If the answer is both then get
yourself a korg me :)

Ben Coffer
Hybrid Productions