RE: [AH] Anyone going to NAMM?

From Michael E Caloroso
Sent Sun, Jan 13th 2019, 21:09

That was a great party.  People from Moog, Buchla, Alesis, Roland (and
maybe others I forgot) were there.  Lots of AH members there.  It was
just before the modular renaissance and before the analog revival
bloomed full.  Customers and makers (especially the two pioneers) at
the same party, with mutual respect shared by everyone.  Everybody's
jaws dropped when both Don Buchla and Bob Moog were on the dance floor
(not together :)  That was a Kodak moment we never would see again.

Alas I won't make NAMM this year.

Sent from my iNAMMMemoriesOfYesteryear,

> Hehe that is a great shot!!
>> Oh right! Thank you for these Cary
>> This is still one of my favorites of all time
>> Bob cutting a rug while J Bondy played electro