Re: (idm) tracklistings

From Lance C McGannon
Sent Tue, Sep 15th 1998, 20:25

At 11:46 AM 9/15/98 -0700, you wrote:
>if someone could please help me out i'd appreciate it. i searched
>internet and didnt turn up what i needed:
>- aphex twin: on tracklisting <---US cardboard case version... i found
>tracklistings for the smaller EPs but i am looking for the one that
>came in a cardboard case.

I bought the UK imports but i remember seeing it in
a local shop and, if i remember correctly, the tracklisting 
for the US cardboard case version contain all 7 tracks 
from the two Warp cdeps. So the tracklisting would 
be something like this, although not necessarily in 
this order:

73 Yips
On - Dscape Mix
On - Reload Mix
On - Mu-Ziq Mix

btw: the On eps are, by far, my favorite Aphex releases.
I wish he would do more in this style.

p.o. box 450715
westlake, ohio 44145
united states