Give 'em a chance! >was> Re: (idm) small for sale

From Christos Tourgelis
Sent Wed, Oct 22nd 1997, 06:19

On Tue, 21 Oct 1997, chris r graves wrote:
> CD's
> *general magic & pita: live & final fridge
> (just received 2 days ago, not quite my cup of tea..)
> i payed $16 + shipping, you pay $12 + shipping...> 

How many times did you listen to it before you decided in the negative?
I've had a lot of CDs that didn't do much for me at first but eventually
won me over if not changed my musical tastes (otherwise I probably
wouldn't be on this list). They're also the ones I keep
the longest.

This is supposed to be a very good album. I'm rubbing a couple of coins
together to get myself a copy (people in .au should be able to get this
from Synaesthesia mail-order)

> and
> *sandoz: god bless the conspiracy
> (still in shrink wrap kinda :)  one slit & they won't let me return it!)
> $10 + shipping

How many seconds of this did you hear? Kinda still in shrink wrap eh?

This I can guarantee is you is really good. It's another one of those play
twice before listening things. At first I thought I had it sussed after
the first couple of listens but after a while, it was definitely worth it.
A really good album.

Anyone notice the rude word on the last track. It's cleverly done. Not
all voice, mind you; it's sort of like how Djs make their scratching
sound like words (erm or is it like when you begin to hear words in the
scratching? ;-)

Also, is it just me or is Kirk a fan of the KLF's "Chill Out"?

np: Atom Heart - "Senor Coconut"
        tres cool!