Re: (idm) negativland, reich remixes

From David J. Gebhart
Sent Sat, Jan 30th 1999, 16:29

>>from whence i'm coming and what i'm looking for.
>>negativland's always been one of those bands in the background, 
>>veered more towards sampling and cut-ups a la v/vm, diskono, et al 
>>so, where to start?  any info would be appreciated...

for cut-up wackery, I would highly recommend their "Escape from Noise" 
album from (geez) the '87  (SST 133).  I would have to say that it's 
prolly the quintessential Negativland album, and it's the one of which 
they've sold the most, according to their web site 
(  Helter Stupid would rank a close second.  both 
incorporate/pioneered sampling, cut-and-paste and found sounds 
type-stuff.  maybe not as obtuse as v/vm, but - hey - this is older 
stuff and they were doing it long before v/vm, diskono et al.

the problem is, I don't know if those albums are still in print as SST, 
which released initially, is now insolvent in wake of (as SST claims) 
the Negativland vs. U2 / SST vs. Island ugliness (if you're unware, 
don't ask, just check their web site 'cuz it's all there).  Negativland 
naturally have another take on their SST relationship, their back 
catalog and royalties associated therewith.

>it's from a steve reich tape loop.  that i know.
>if i'm thinking clearly,
>it's the same sermon that "it's gonna rain" is from, and i think he's
>talking about the "blues", but then again, i could be way off.  

no, the "come out" sample is of a young teenage boy who was caught in a 
street fight or riot of some sort and had to force a bruise open until 
it to bled so that he would be removed from the scene, whereas otherwise 
the cops would have just left him to suffer.  or something to that 
effect (it's in the liner notes).  the preacher sample is in another 
tape loop (two in fact) also on that album (currently available on dics 
as Steve Reich: Early Works (Elektra/Nonesuch) which is worthwhile if 
you're dedicated to tracing your sources and knowing your history.  as 
we all know, Reich was a pioneer.  but mind you, that's if you're 
dedicated.  the type of thing I'll listen to maybe once a year.  maybe.)

daevid j

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