Re: (idm) matmos; I-f; Lowfish/Solvent

From jjdavis
Sent Fri, Oct 17th 1997, 19:22

On Thu, 16 Oct 1997 00:07:53 -0500, (Philip Hugh
Sherburne) said:
>Also; i've been fruitlessly attempting to track down anything by I-f.  The
>only releases I know of for sure are "Portrait of a Dead Girl" (parts 1 &
>2?) on Disko B.  Anyone know anything about these?  Where they can be
>gotten?  If anyone has one to unload...I'll bite.
there are MANY other i-f, Ferenc, etc releases.  most of them pretty
limited on original release.

best bet is to go straight to the source:


they do mail order.


Jeff Davis <pHlow>      ____--~~~~~~vvvv~~~~        oooo812.831.7846
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