(idm) microrhythms & polyrhythms

From Philip Sherburne
Sent Wed, Jul 8th 1998, 01:14

> >About the closest to it
>  >that I've read is Charles Keil's work on "participatory discrepancies"
>  >(PDs)--the micro-placement of notes before or after beats,
>      Which is how I usually think of it, although maybe not micro. Where the
>  syncopated beat falls not *on* the beat, nor does it fall *exactly in
>  between* the beats, but rather just before or after the beat. And I'm not
>  talking about random un-quantization for humanization effect, but rather the
>  calculated employment of "missing" a beat slighlty to create tiny instants
>  of tension and satisfaction.
>  >I just know that when the second layer of
>  >drums comes in in We's "in time," I'm powerless to resist. It's some
>  >mysterious combination of micro-nuances in rhythm and the timbres of the
>  >drum sounds, but I can't quantify any of it.

Along the same lines as the above, I would recommend Mike Ink's
(recording as M:I:5) album/12" "Mabstab" on Profan--his layering of
off-kilter loops and breaks creates an intense polyrhythmic effect,
shifting and lurching within the confines of the beat.  Really stunning.

philip sherburne