(idm) Bochum Welt T-Shirts

From jjdavis
Sent Sat, Dec 13th 1997, 21:37

gianluigi just told me that they are printing up a very small run of bochum
welt t-shirts which will not be available through any stores, etc.

they will be grey with the BW logo (like the new one on the BW site

i will be the US side distribution point for these T's if anyone is
interested.  unfortunately, they will be pricey: $20 + shipping (Italy to
me, me to you), so let's call it $25.

if anyone is interested, please reply email ASAP (keep the same subject
line)  with your size (S, M, L only) and your snailmail address.


Jeff Davis <pHlow>      ____--~~~~~~vvvv~~~~        oooo812.831.7846
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____---- (   \   \   \   \   \   \   \ http://www.xnet.com/~jjdavis/