Re: (idm) Jenkinsons at Schizm review

From artist
Sent Wed, Mar 10th 1999, 19:18

On Tue, 9 Mar 1999 23:26:26 +0000, you wrote:

>Ceephax Acid Crew live (behind a curtain *again*) was, well, what can I
>say *extraordinary* in several senses.  The predominant microphone
>interjection from Mr. Jenkinson was "Acid Ferocity" but with several
>exclamation marks.

was most impressed with "faberge acid" and "acid prendergast"
(names!!!)  but it did get a /touch/ too fast in parts for me

>The music was more of a cannonade than a performance.

but it was still impressive to hear something fresh from a good old
knob-tweaker, i much preferred it to autechre's recent laptop session
at the toolshed, which seemed to go on for hours with no basslines and
no melodies.
