(idm) blech02

From brian flanagan
Sent Sun, Nov 30th 1997, 16:36

what a weekend...

starring : andy VVM, mr thief and paul speedranch
and some bloke called Ivan from SRD as the tourguide


after missing chantals set and coming in halfway through cylob's set,I
can't really comment on what chris did, apart from yet ANOTHER version
of "diof".....come on, it's a good track, but you can't milk it dry
chris!!..though the rest of what I heard was solid,chunky and funky and
typically cylob

grant..oh dear, oh dear..he runs a great label,but man, did his set
SUCK!!!..I have never been so insulted in all my days of clubbing....i'm
sure it was all very funny for him, but judging from the choruses of
"wanker!" and "get the fuck off!" from the crowd, it seems I was not
alone in being on the recieving end of the utterly safe disco SHIT we
had to endure....jeezus christ!!, roland fucking rat and some chart
track that BUGS THE SHIT OUT OF ME (god knows what it's called)..even
though he finished his set with a new panacea track and possibly a new
tom jenkinson track, this just wasn't enough to redeem himself from the
2hrs of utter bollocks we were subjected to...still, there were many
people dancing....and he did drom some mad old acid track which cuts in
the middle to a vocal that went something like "all you people under the
effects of pills..IE getting brain damage..YOU STUPID FUCKING
CUNTS!!"..this could have been the punchline to the sonic joke, but i'm
not too sure

BAAASS!!!!! this is probably the best i've heard AE sound in ages..the
low end textures were edging into panasonic territory, couldn't
recognise hardly any of their set,sean and rob looked as if they were
really working hard that night..however, while the sound quality was
good, I gots to admit that after half an hour I was a tad bored..

god knows who dj'd after that cuz I was backstage gabbing to RDJ (ha!)

after all that, we set off on saturday to see matt wand of stockhausen
and walkman perform some kind of "improv thing" at the ICA..didn't get
in..sold out..full of japanese artclones with ridiculous glasses (a la
the fast show) and mediawhores that apparently left during the latter
part of  matts set...ah well, no loss there!!

we also found out that AE were on AGAIN at lost that night, then we
found out it was about £16 quid to get in...ha!!!..corporate
peegs!!!..that's staduim rock gig price business!!!

so...we then find out about a "warehouse party" that had something to do
with PRAXIS records (eeek!) in hackney..so off we goes in search of the
party inna where the fuck are we going '92 stylee!!...

well, we got there.. full on dog on a string pierced dreadlocked smell
bizness!!..scary as fuck!!, no lights, pissy smells, (classic sight of
seeing someone lend some scary gangster type his mobile phone in good
natured old school "rave freindyness"..then seeing the same phone being
SOLD by scary gangsterbloke  to some other guy!!)scary ketamine fucked
nutcases trying to kick off on anyone in staggering range...but, fuck!!
proved to be a little to much for our terrified tourguide!!..(lookit
that bloke on the floor over there!!..is he shitfaced??..is he
stoned???..shit!..is he dead??) loads of classic aphex and some j9/j4
inspired shit that i'd never heard before that fuckin'
rocked!!!...despite the total terror factor it was pointed out by andy
of VVM that you never hear this type of stuff anywhere these days..it
was nice to see that some people don't compromise..and i have to admit,
the location suited the music perfectly...I went off my head to most of
the stuff that got played and grinned to myself safe in the knowledge
that we weren't in the safe confines of the end listening to the same
old shit by the same old dj's ..and being 16 quid better off for it..but
I don't think it's gonna become a habit!!

i need my bed....

oh yeah.. anyone got the tracklisting for global goon's "afterlife" 12"?


Brian F

studio moo online