Re: (idm) piss off, Eric B., Africa threads

From Kevin Ryan
Sent Mon, Aug 23rd 1999, 18:10

>>>if you listen to the Futurists
> I haven't.  I've only read their literature.  Thanks for the
> recommendation.

Whoops!  When I said something like the above, I wasn't
being sarcastic.  I've seriously read Marinetti and
Luigi Russolo but never heard Futurist music.  I'm just
getting started in avant garde music and am always
receptive to recommendations for recordings.

Which reminds me, I've never heard any John Cage either.

Isn't it strange, I'm talking about music I've never heard?

I guess that's because John Cage to me is more of a
musical philosopher than a musician.  I like to think I
can understand quite a bit about his music without ever
hearing it.  But if anyone knows any good Cage recordings
I should get into, let me know.

BTW, Russolo's "Futurist Manifesto" is well worth reading
if you're into experimental music.

And just to be consistent with the Subject line, here's
a couple of my favorite quotes from relevant sources:

Marinetti: "Glorify war, the only cleanser of the world."

Rakim: "As heavy as hip hop gets, I'm always ready to drop it."

Thankyou.  kevin mr.