(idm) music tribes:some thoughts (kind of off topic)

From Simon Paul
Sent Wed, Oct 29th 1997, 19:40

I'm finding it interesting lately how people divide themselves into
'tribes' with music, interesting and difficult to understand.
Case in point: I was reading some posts in a Skinny Puppy mailing list
yesterday and how most people are pissed off with the 'apparent' new
direction of Download with the 'III' album.How they were very
dissappointed that cEvin Key 'apparently' didn't have much to do with
the album and that it sounded like repetetive techno(which some of it
does sure).Or that maybe cEvin had run out of ideas!Now I love this
album it's not really techno(in the classic sense) but it does has some
'techno' sensiblities.But anyway the general consensus seemed to be that
someone who changes there 'tribe' has run out of ideas or is
'selling-out'..now the fact of the matter is cEvin and co. have changed
tribes several times. From straight-up noise to dub to pop to
'industrial' and now some techno.I find this refreshing and to the
contrary of running out of ideas.Just like Richard H. Kirk has gone
through many many many styles and guises...has he run out of ideas?I
don't think so(although he does like to ride certain waves for a long
time like the almost interchangable Sandoz/electronic eye/sweet
  Maybe it's because these certain people are young and trying to
find/cling to something that they identify with.... it's confusing to
think that people won't allow others to change or grow..hell I wonder
what the consesus was on the latest Tear Garden album which had (god
forbid) slide guitar and country elements to it and hardly any
'electronic' elements (which to me seems a reaction to D.r.
Goettles(sp?) death)....
 I guess I find myself at odds with the 'hard-core' fan of any one
certain genre of music..I love it when boundaries are crossed and
blurred and mixed up....granted that sometimes I don't like a certain
change in a band but I don't go saying 'they've run out of ideas'
they've mearly changed focus something for some reason doesn't jive with
me any more.... am I completely off base with this? What if Autechre put
out a 'happy hard-core' album or introduced guitars(I know it's
hypothetical and they'd do it in their own unique way but still) would
alot of people be upset? It just makes me mad to think of the
restrictions people put on themselves and others and how unwilling they
are to expand thier horizons.. I'm tired of these divisions being made
for no reason ie.industrial vs. techno 'funky vs. 4/4 (hello Skinny
Puppy has been 'funky' from the beginning!)

food for thought, hope it made sense sorry if it was too long or way off
topic(but this is a music list and I'm interested in other people ideas
on the subject)
