Re: (idm) lesser/kid 606

From Hrvatski
Sent Wed, Sep 2nd 1998, 07:47

>>Okay, I like the Lesser stuff, most of it (not the remix my high-school
>>band stuff) on a purely cut-off level; as if he'd heard one Goldie record
>>from 1993 and mapped out his own agenda of what drum n' bass should sound
>Please explain how in the hell you like something on "a purely cut-off
>level."  That is one of the stupider expressions I've heard recently.

You'll have to pardon Hekla, his english isn't what it should be after five
years in Boston. I think what he meant was that a member of the Drum n'
Bass 'scene' in the UK would have access to the tips & techniques of his
peers where as someone in the US who doesn't have direct communication with
said 'scene' tries to emulate the style without having a definite knowledge
of the 'correct' techniques necessarily involved. This is why all of the UK
guys are now eating up US stuff (it's happening, believe me), we do it
WRONG, and they like the spin we put on this 'now had' genre. He's putting
Lesser in with the great legion of American 'cut-offs', i.e. Jandek,
Bertoia, Partch, etc... people that made music based on their fundamental
understanding of other existing musical forms, and continued to mold their
own mutant strain into something along the lines of their 'voice' of
'individual take'. This is a good thing.

>>like by now. But the Haters? Men's Recovery Project? When you follow the
>>lineage of something like that through techno/breaks you're bound to end
>>up with something bad.
>You are an idiot.  I won't even bother to comment further on the above

But you have. Oh, the great IDM irony. I've seen the Haters four times now,
and Hekla's been there for three of them. In a particular show, Larsen
'played' a contact-miked tire w/ an electric sander. While this sounds good
in theory, and does still seem appealing after the first few minutes, it
does not after 90, and the resulting vulcanized air spewing around the
small room makes EVERYONE ill, including those who go to 'test' their
appreciation of experimental musical forms and die-hard fans. I'm all for
art pranks (as is Hekla), but only good ones.

Hekla (and now I as well, to some extent) is railing against this whole
idea of 'joke' records; not even pranks but full-on jokes, ones very easy
to see through before even landing the CD in your player. 4 disc CDs? i got
a little weary after I reviewed the second one (which came with a free
marred CD-Rom; from some damaged Macromedia batch nonetheless). By
releasing these records by artists any of us would rather here in their
respective aegi (Matmos in particular, if they didn't spend so much time on
this derivative pap they'd be cranking out more of their own stuff (can't
wait for those Bjork remixes)) they sort of donate to the glut of bad
records clogging up 'experimental' sections in shops and detracting
attention from the real groundbreaking stuff that remains hopelessly
obscured. I'm not saying that VC is the direct cause of this, I just really
think that if you had to choose between a recording that someone spent two
years of his life perfecting versus something recorded stoned in one
afternoon, well, which one you got would sort of define you...

Sorry for the bandwidth. Hekla's back in Iceland for a few weeks so I kind
of felt responsible for retaliating on his behalf. I'm always picking up
after that guy... -Våt.

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