(idm) Interesting observation...

From Peter T. Bense
Sent Thu, Feb 18th 1999, 11:27

This male/female thing makes me think and wonder.

A couple of nights ago I was talking to a girl-friend of mine and both of
us mutually came to the conclusion that, on a very broad level, "males are
more detail-oriented".

I am a very open-minded person and I do not consider myself to be sexist by
any stretch of the definition, however, based on my observations (which is
the only thing I can really base my opinions on anyways) the following seem
to be true regarding the female species in regards to music.  TAKE THIS ALL
WITH A GRAIN OF SALT.  As I said -- this is based on real-world experience
(in my opinion something that can't be disputed).  What is the expression
about walking 100 miles in a man's shoes 

Generally speaking, females:

o - listen more to the words of a "song" if it is such a composition.

o - (I may be making a huge leap here because I'm extremely deep into music
and dont have m(any?) guy-friends) won't listen to music close enough to be
amazed or confounded by a new production technique or a new drum sound in a
techno record, for example.  Consider the past threads on the g-tech and
313 mailing lists, for example.

o - express a total lack of interest for how electronic music is made.

o - when involved in (this) music business, do not work in production (with
the exclusion being made here for vocalists).  When I call record labels
there is almost always a female receptionist with the promotions people
being pretty much 50-50 in terms of gender, while 95% of the ones doing the
studio work are males.

OF COURSE there are exceptions, like...

Heather Heart
DJ Rap
Kelli Hand
Nicole Stallings
and Small Fish with Spine (I hope memory is serving me right, here).

However, many (most?) times the "exception" is exploited.  I've attended
events entitled "the female of the species" which only featured women
artists and it felt like a real... exploitation more than anything else.

Okay ... enough rambling here, this should get a flame-war or some kind of
discussion started.
