(idm) Re: idm V1 #1400

From Arthur B. Purvis
Sent Sun, Dec 28th 1997, 00:39

>>> Besides, someone from Princeton talking about pretentiousness?  It is=
>>> to laugh.
>> Umm, fuck you, asshole.

>Hahahaha ...  hook, line and sinker.

Yeah, I really fell for that one.  You're an asshole making baseless
assumptions and I called you on it.  Hook, line, and fucking sinker.  I'm
obviously a snobby, pretentious, rich kid who thinks he's better than
everyone else because I attend a certain university.
Thanks for letting me know; I'll go see my $200 an hour therapist now and
we'll talk about my childhood issues of abandonment.

Oh yeah: Your arguments on "young" people are fucking ridiculous.  Sure,
it's all "new" to me because I'm ca. 20 years old.  The only reason techno
sounds "new" to you is because you haven't heard it before.  Personally,
I've heard enough techno along the lines of "Freek Funk" to make me want
to puke multicolored streams of violet - same with you and rock and roll.
The difference is that I don't automatically think Freek Funk is shit
before I actually _listen_ to it - which is what you're doing, and it's
just making your argument totally baseless and taking your ignorance of
music made without a drum machine to monumental heights.

Fuck you, shithead.  You're obviously a shithead, because you listen to
Luke Slater.  (for the clueless - that was sarcastic irony)

the humble abbott arthur purvis set his hand hereto