Re: (idm) Non Idm-----Infinity

From Crtrdge003
Sent Fri, Jun 11th 1999, 16:21

In a message dated 6/11/99 7:16:49 AM Mountain Daylight Time, writes:

> -I would have thought that humans would have learned this
>  pattern in Human history long ago-----but as a Very wise man once said,
>  "there is nothing new being done under the sun"!

you would think.. if our worlds self proclaimed "greatest minds" were as 
logical as they thought they were they would by accepted and embraced the 
idea that according to the path of history, looking at the way people used to 
think, and the way they do now, that one must draw the conclusion that pretty 
much anything could be possible. On another note I just saw the great movie 
"Good Will Hunting".. besides it being a great movie in itself, it's a 
perfect example of the nature of human intelligence and what it really means 
to be an "intelligent" person. If you ask me, I'd say the movie is an idm 
must see simply for <put word out of my vocab here> reasons. In that movie 
Matt Damon keeps company with his fellow mates from South East Boston.. none 
of them are anywhere near his level of understanding on math, etc. but they 
are the closest mates they could be, they are all on the same frequency.. 
Matt just happens to be able to juggle numbers and rearrange concepts alot 
easier.. it couldn't have less to do with their relationship to one another.. 
it's just what they do.. 

Take a psychological look at this list. For god's sake look at the name 
"intelligent" dance music. Meaning.. this is intelligent.. and that other 
stuff is stupid. That's all it possibly could mean.. there would be no reason 
to have to divide dance music unless we thought some of it was dumb and for 
some reason the shit we were listening to was superior. That is the nature of 
this list, it always has been. But here on the very list, the pinicale of 
elitism, we get into heated arguments on why Fat Boy Slim it just as 
important as Autechre. We don't like thinking we're "better" than other 
people... and by fucking god, of course we're not. Some people calculate 
finite math and some people don't, but having intellecual abilities doesn't 
mean you're a better person. That's the problem, that's the pill that nobody 
can swallow. People don't know how to deal with some cats (haha.. Kelley 
you've got me hooked) being smarter than other ones. Just because somebody 
may be better at you at something, such as finite math, doesn't mean they are 
a better person than you,.. SHIT GODDAMN it doesn't even mean you can't be 
friends!!! NO REALLY IT DOESN'T!!!!! What makes people friends it's something 
much higher than finite math.. the truth is each and every one of us on earth 
have the capacity to be friends with one another if we simply give a little. 
Nothing can stop us from all getting along if we have patience and love, the 
truth is all of us are GREAT and none of us are worthless. Nobody is better 
than anybody else and those of us who may be able grasp things a little 
easier than others should be taking that opportunity to expand the minds of 
others. That can be really hard sometimes, really really hard. But when you 
get the chance to truly help a person, that is the best thing you can do. 
Just as a great teacher once said, "The greatest thing you can do is to love 
your neighbor". and it still holds true to this day, it always will and 
always has. 

I know music, and mostly only my own at that, and not much else, oh well.. I 
don't read a whole hell of alot. I wish I did.. in the past few years I have 
learned that I actually love to read.. it's just.. I spend so much time 
making music and smoking weed (yes I know.. it's not good but I do..) that I 
never really get around to reading much. I actually plan to read alot in the 
future, but I don't believe I should be judged and written off (nobody should 
be written off for that matter) simply because I do not share your traits. 
Well that's all for now..

p.s. I know how much I don't know, but at least I know how much I don't 
know.. well I actually don't know exactly how much I don't know.. I just know 
it's a measure beyond my reckoning.