Re: (idm) Found Sounds

From Moonlight
Sent Mon, Apr 19th 1999, 20:15

There is the old UK techno group "Spooky" (I own a cassette of
"Gargantuan", released on IRS in the US)
The credits really don't say who they are, but "engineered by nick hale and
charlie may, written by may/forbes." So i'm guessing charlie may is a
member of the group.

Trance Europe Express 1 features a track "persuasion" by Spooky and Billie
Ray Martin, but that appears to be a cover, so the credits don't help.

DJ Spooky always has "DJ" prominently in front of his name, and usually
follows with "That Subliminal Kid"

At 02:43 PM 4/19/99 -0400, Daniel S. Pregman wrote:
>I always see it listed under "Spooky",
>which would lead me to believe that it's DJ Spooky and is just mis-filed
>for some reason, or that it's DJ Spooky sans "DJ", or that it's just some
>other bloke who felt like calling himself "Spooky".  It'd be great if
>someone could clarify this mess...

Adam Roesch /
Augsburg College / Minneapolis / MN / USA

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