RE: (idm) RE: reynolds rant (long and rambly) (avant garde)

From Zenon M. Feszczak
Sent Mon, Apr 12th 1999, 20:17

Hello -

> sorry for contributing to my own thread, but i've heard this one before. it
> gets used all the time in the rock vs electronica debate. having all those
> computers and synths and particularly drum machines, makes it really easy to
> make music as opposed to having to learn to play drums or guitar like real
> musicians do.

...or to pay for session musicians!

> and of course punk rock was all shouting, which is really easy
> to do not like singing. and none of them could play their guitars properly
> unlike jimmy page and eric clapton who were very good at it indeed. rap is
> just talking and people playing records, and so on.

There might be something to those criticisms - except that the initial
adherents of punk and rap would not necessarily see those as criticisms per
As I recall, the early punk aesthetic very much promoted the music as a
forum in which technique and theory were irrelevant: anyone who had
something to say was welcome.
(Well, that lasted about one year).
The content - often explicitly socio-political - was the key, not music
Of course, the story is not so simple.
There is certainly musically sophisticated punk and post-punk (Gang of
Four, anyone?) and rap (MC Solaar! Sorry).