Re: (idm) the cleanup IDM campaign (long-winded)

From brachielles
Sent Wed, Oct 15th 1997, 09:40

>Certainly I mean no offense toward Brian....

none taken.

>but I think we should make an effort to 
>write reviews for older albums and get
>them on the archive (assuming Brian 
>doesn't mind).  

I'll take ANY idm related reviews, new or old.  However, i'm getting alot
more reviews to HTML'ize than I used to, so give me a few days to get
anything you send me up on the archive.  

Also, I think it is important to have multiple viewpoints on the albums
which are being archived.  Therefore, don't let the fact that someone has
already written a review for the "XXXX" album stop you from writing a
review for it also.  Variety is the spice of life...and several other
cliches along those lines.  

Thanks everyone for your input, I certainly am open to suggestions.

--brian rachielles

idm review archive, audio on kcsb, zaph records: