Re: (idm) IDM/AFX/Prodigy Thoughts

From robert.merlak
Sent Tue, Nov 25th 1997, 18:40

> What makes music intelligent? 

nothing particulary...

> Now, the second part: dance.
> I won't linger here too long.
> It's my opinion that this is merely to distinguish it from, for instance,
> progressive rock. "Electronica" sure as hell wasn't a catchphrase that 
> was in use when this list was formed, I assume, and so "dance music" was 
> probably the best encompasing term. After all, "techno" seems to refer to
> aforementioned "stupid" club techno. You can't dance to a lot of IDM. It 
> doesn't really work as a defining part of the name.

There is at least 90% of IDM, that is danceable , incl. AFX, mu-ZIQ, blah
I like good club techno. . .and I kind any kind of techno

can you do it
there ain't nothin to it
if you hear the music
it'll be the chance
let the dj guide you
let him be inside you
let him mesmerize you
Can you still dance

tell me,can you
tell me,can you
i wanna know
tell me,can you
Can you still dance


"oh for gods sake.... when are you people gonna get it into your head
that Aphex, autechre, mu-ziq etc etc are all goddamn TECHNO, and
thats exactly what they describe themselves as."
                                                Steve /k/./F/