(idm) afx masks

From The Rare Guy
Sent Sat, Oct 25th 1997, 17:58

sorry for the banwidth, but:

A while ago (well not too long ago) someone posted a post about afx masks
and where they could get some and so forth.

Although I'm afraid it's most likely impossible to find a place that has any
of the RDJ LP afx masks, there is the option of making your own.

This is what I have done. I have seen the actual RDJ LP masks before, and
the one I made looks very similar.

What I did was take the cover of the RDJ LP, and then I mirrored the right
side of his face (as you can tell, it's cut off on the left and wouldn't
make a proper mask). anyway, I centered the picture and mirrored it so now
it's his whole face; I then took the original mouth (coz the new one had
messed up teeth because of the mirror effect) and I cut'n'pasted and
smoothed around the edges using a variety of Amiga tools much like
Photoshop, but of course on Photoshop itself it would have been way easier
than this. However, the results aren't cheesy, it looks like the original
except it looks a bit more "evil." because everything (except the teeth) is

What I did is print it out (with my color inkjet) onto some of that laser
paper that has the adhesive on the back, that you peel off. then I peeled it
off and stuck it to the cardboard piece of one of my vinyl mailers and then
cut it with an exacto(sp?) knife. there are 2 holes for a string or rubber
band (recommended) and the eyes are holes.

If anyone would like to do this, I'd be happy to send the image (50k JPEG)
of the mask so you can print it out and make the mask without having to
fiddle with the RDJ cover.

Note: I printed mine out as big as it would fit on a regular piece of paper
with about 1cm margins around and it was just the right size and the
proportions did not look that bad (they probably are off a bit)

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